Seven Wanjuru recently completed their ACDC training, paving the way for their Commercial Operator Licences. Now fully equipped to undertake weed control, Jaragun’s Traditional Owner team are gearing up for the end of the wet season. Work is underway to protect and conserve Eubenangee Swamp National Park and Russell River National Park from Pond Apple, Harungana, Glush Weed and Candle Bush.
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Preservation our way of life
We perform system repair to protect or improve the ecosystem services we depend on to maintain our social, cultural and economic well-being.
Our approach is to work with catchment processes by maintaining and improving an ecosystem's structural components and managing current and emerging threats to their functioning.
Our activities involve a high level of integration with other initiatives to improve overall outcomes for the environment, which are enhanced through revegetation with native plant species, control of pest species and planning for climate change.
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