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Wanjuru Elder welcomes Qantas CEO to the Russell River catchment

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Wanjuru Elder and Jaragun Director, Dennis Ah-Kee, welcomed Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and his entire Executive Management Team to Babinda QLD for a Babinda Reef project experience.

Qantas supports the rainforest restoration site through its Qantas Future Planet program. Qantas Executive visited the site to better understand the role of wetlands in filtering water before it discharges from the catchment to the Great Barrier Reef. The Babinda Reef and Carbon project is an innovative partnership between Jaragun and GreenCollar, a leading Australian conservation-for-profit investor.

Alan Joyce and the 12 Qantas Executives visited the iconic Babinda Boulders where Nathan Waltham, a TropWATER (JCU) scientist, described the processes impacting water quality between the Bellenden Ker Range and the Reef. The team then spent the morning planting native seedlings to reinstate Alexandra Palm Forest at the project site.

Dennis Ah-Kee presented Alan Joyce with a xxx clay dish. The xxx is the Yidinjii story about creation of the Great Barrier Reef.


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