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Bunna binda water quality in the Russell River

Bunna Binda, meaning water coming off the shoulder of Bellenden Ker Range.

The objective of this Traditional Owner project was to protect the Russell River watercourse by re-establishing bank vegetation to shade out exotic Glush Weed (Hygrophila costata) long-term. The highly invasive Glush Weed was displacing native aquatic habitat and causing in-stream sedimentation that is altering the hydrology of the watercourse. Funds were sourced specifically for the site because it harboured Glush Weed that, if not effectively managed, would continue to be a source of downstream reinfestation.

The project included site preparation and revegetation of the stream bank with 500 native plant species. It was undertaken in conjunction with Jaragun's ‘Glush Weed (H. costata) Control in the Russell River Catchment’ project to enable long-term weed control at the site.

Client –

Terrain NRM


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